I come to you today to compose a retraction. I am forced to write a retraction to a previous submission on this site. My mistake was not deliberate nor conceived with ill will or bad intentions, it was quite simply the result of a lack of research and observation. I should have studied the subject matter more deeply, and I should have devoted more time to observing what was really going on. Nevertheless, my previous posting resulted in some hurt feelings, and that has never been my intention.
It is my hope that this retraction will suffice. The hurt feelings I alluded to earlier belong to my dog. You see, a few weeks ago I wrote that my dog is a democrat, and today I intend to set the record straight in the hopes of making her feel better and smoothing out our temporarily shakey relationship.
Now I must also point out that SOME of my research was totally accurate. She readily displays many of the characteristics and mannerisms so obvious and prevalent among democrats. Yes... she does make messes that she has no intention of cleaning up herself. Yes... she does lay around and sleep most of the day instead of working. Yes... she expects to be fed with food that has been bought by someone else. Yes... she is afforded free medical attention when she needs it. Yes... she is extremely vociferous... (that means loud and sometimes obnoxious) and is committed to the proposition that she'll not be ignored, and that her needs be met sooner rather than later. Yes... she will perform and do tricks, but ONLY if there are treats involved after she's done. Yes... she's been educated, but she still doesn't know much about really important stuff. And yes... she does get somewhat indignant when what she perceives as her entitlements aren't forthcoming in a timely fashion. All textbook examples of the mindset and behavior of a democrat.
So as you can plainly see by the above, some of my observations and research was accurate... but to my dismay, and to the dismay of my dog, I have realized it was also incomplete. My dog has gone to great lengths over the course of the past few weeks to point out a few of the things I missed, which led to my mistaken conclusion regarding her political affiliation.
Unlike democrats, who could care less and would rather NOT see you UNLESS you can do something for them, my dog is glad to see me every single time I come through the door. Sometimes I bring her a treat; sometimes I don't, but it really doesn't matter. She acts like she's glad to see me every time, even when I'm empty handed.
Unlike democrats, who are constantly searching for someone to scratch their backs, my dog will climb up in my lap, lie down and and affectionately lick my hand, even if I haven't taken the time to scratch her back first. She has moments of unselfishness and most democrats can't say that.
Unlike democrats, my old dog never seems to have a bad day. She just sort of goes with the flow and all the years I've had her (or she's had me), I have never ONCE heard her blame George W. Bush for one of her own little "accidents". My bride and I were gone much longer than expected one day, and when we got home, there by the back door was a little "pile" she'd left. She just had this "I'm sorry" look on her face, but she took ownership of the doody... she didn't blame in on the dog that lived here before her. She just said, "Yep, that's mine. W had nothing to do with it".
The one thing that finally convinced me that she isn't a democrat, is the fact that she never fails to say thank you when we do something for her. Democrats on the other hand, don't seem to think that's all that necessary. I guess when you EXPECT to get your way all the time, you don't see a real need to express your gratitude. But unlike democrats, my dog never forgets to say "thanks". Sometimes she jumps up and down... sometimes she barks... but she always, and I mean ALWAYS says "thank you". She uses sign language most of the time and she signs "thank you" with her tail. It's just a little short, nubby one, but she can sure use it. When it's wagging 90 mph, THAT means "thank you".
Colossians 3: 15 says: "And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And ALWAYS BE THANKFUL".
I'm not sure my dog is a good sound conservative yet, but at least I know she's not a democrat, and that's a relief to me. In fact, if we just use Colossians 3: 15 as a benchmark, I'd have to conclude that she's a Christian. And she isn't the only one that's got a lot to be thankful for... in fact, I've got more to be thankful for than I can even begin to list. I don't have a tail to wag, but if I did, it would be going 90 right about now... But Then Hey... It's Just A Thought.
1 comment:
Pastor, I KNEW she was not a democrat; i am so glad you have finally come to see her virtues. Thanks for the humor and encouraging words you send us every week. Be Blessed. Pat
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