I have come to a startling conclusion. Not long ago, I spent the better part of a day cleaning, organizing, and re-arranging my garage. When I had finished, it looked great. Everything was in it's proper place and every place was occupied by it's proper thing. It was awesome and I almost separated my shoulder patting myself on the back.
Here we are a couple of months later and the casual observer couldn't tell my garage has been touched in years, let alone weeks. It's got to be done again, but there are some strange goin's on in my garage.
There were a couple of oddities that I first began to notice. In fact, after first noticing, I started paying much closer attention in the hopes of getting to the bottom of what's "really" going on out there. It is the eye, sharpened by years of experience and my ongoing expertise as a highly trained observer, that I credit for finally coming to an explainable, albeit startling conclusion.
There are junk fairies living in my garage!!! Now I'm not one to admit publicly, my belief in fairies, but there's no other logical explanation. I mean some fairies MUST be real... right? The tooth fairy came to see me when I was a little kid. And when my kids were little, just in case one of the tooth fairies, (I figure there's got to be more than one), couldn't make it on time or didn't get the memo with the correct address, I filled in for her.
Back to the junk fairies. The fact of the matter is, the overwhelming evidence of the presence of junk fairies living in my own garage simply could no longer be ignored. Some of the signs I first began to notice were obviously put there on purpose. Let me explain. After thoroughly cleaning up and sweeping the garage floor one day, I came in the house and got me a cold drink of water. I sat there for a few minutes, visiting with my bride and telling her what a good job I'd done and then I got up and went back out to close the garage door, because it was getting late. There... over by the shelves that hold paint cans, on the floor that had just been swept... laid one of my screwdrivers. It happens all the time. Stuff I find in the floor that I KNOW wasn't there a while ago.
Here's another sign I began to notice. A day or two later, I went back out in the garage to get the screwdriver that I KNEW was laying in the floor that wasn't there before... and it's gone! It's not there. I didn't pick it up. I checked with Precious and she didn't pick it up... it's just gone.
Another sign; you begin to notice things in your garage that you've never seen before. I mean it's like you've dug around in one particular corner 25 or 30 times looking for something, and you go back to that same corner one more time and all of a sudden, there's a box of stuff you'd swear wasn't there the last time you looked... in fact, it's a box of stuff you don't EVER remember seeing before.
Or... you go to the third shelf on the second row next to the dryer to get a clean shop towel because your hands are dirty and THEY'RE NOT THERE! They're always there. That's where they always are... but they're gone. You can completely empty the garage, look in every box on every shelf and you ain't gonna find 'em... cause they ain't there! It's the junk fairies... gotta be... no other explanation!
I have no idea HOW they do it, but I DO have an idea of WHAT they're doing. Late at night, or at least when they're sure no one is going to interrupt them, they somehow gather up your junk, sneak it out of your garage, and take it to someone else's garage and leave it there. That would explain two things. First; the reason you can't seem to find your junk that's not where it's supposed to be, is because it's in some other guy's garage on the other side of town. And second; you're not really crazy, because that junk you can't ever remember seeing before is not your stuff at all. You're right... you haven't ever seen it before, because it's somebody else's junk and it came from their garage six blocks down and four blocks over.
That explains the missing and the never before seen junk. But what about YOUR junk that keeps showing up in the floor... or keeps disappearing from the floor? I have a theory about THAT, too. I think they just do that for amusement. They're bound to be laughin' their little wings off at the looks on our faces. But with all things considered, that's OK, too.
The word of God exhorts us to be joyful in all things. Jesus' half brother, James tells us in James 1: 2 "My brethren, count it ALL JOY when you fall into various trials". And if you've ever spent 2 hours out in the garage looking for something you KNOW is out there, but you can't seem to find it for the life of you, then you begin to understand what a trial it can be. So the next time you can't find that box that you KNOW is there somewhere... or you find something in your garage that you've never seen before, smile, and count it all joy. I know you remember the old saying; "One man's trash is another man's treasure", so just be happy about not being able to find your junk, because thanks to the junk fairies, some guy across town just found a treasure in his garage he's never seen before. AND... some of that junk out there in the garage might not be junk at all, in fact, some of it could be a treasure the junk fairies brought to your garage.
I gotta for now, I KNOW I've got a left-handed pipe wrench out there in the garage, and I THINK I know right where it is... But then Hey... It's Just A Thought.
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