Well... a few weeks ago I decided I'd take a short break from writing this little blog. I didn't really realize that such an outcry would arise over my decision. I actually had no idea so many people were actually reading this.
Actually, in real-world terms, I don't suppose the outcry was all that remarkable, but I did have 2 different people ask me about it. I keep hoping for some comments, suggestions, questions, or some other feedback from the readers, but I reckon the 2 folks who DO read it just get busy and forget about it.
Today, I just decided that I'd sit back down here and peck out a thought or two and see if I can't recapture my 2 avid readers' attention before they find someplace else to waste 5 or 10 minutes of their valuable time.
I had a few thoughts to pass along concerning the mid-term elections we all just survived. I intend for this site to remain family friendly and "G" rated, so SOME of my thoughts can't be shared.
I suppose my primary thought about it is: THANK GOD THAT'S OVER! At least we'll all get a nice break from the never ending stream of political ads "approved" by whichever candidate happened to sign the check to pay for it. That is one good thing about an election. The ads, billboards, yard signs and TV commercials finally stop... for about 3 weeks.
We've still a few more days to go before we start seeing the first signs of life of the coming 2012 Presidential election. Not many days, mind you, but a few, and we should all just be grateful for the brief reprieve we DO have.
Now I understand that a candidate has to market his platform... he has to rely on the media to get his message out and define what it is that he stands for. He has to have a way to inform the people of what his intentions are.
On the one hand, there are some who couldn't possibly tell you what their intentions are with any degree of honesty or they'd be laughed out of the contest or thrown in jail. On the other hand, the others can't tell you what their intentions are because they're too busy calling their opponent a no-good, sorry, low-down, lying, under the table dealing, double talking, thief who hates puppies.
And the shame of it all, is that by the time the election finally comes, you're so sick of hearing all the junk you could pull your hair out.
I noticed something this time around, though... and I paid pretty close attention to it. I heard very few openly express their love for this country. I didn't notice many mentions of the greatness of the American people, the strength and courage of the American spirit, or that it is the citizenry of this nation that makes it great, NOT the elected officials.
I didn't hear too many mentions addressing a candidate's respect for and commitment to uphold the Constitution of this country. In fact, what I heard was a lot of ideas and agendas that either undermine the authority of the Constitution or totally disregard it's authority all together.
So I paid pretty close attention to what I was hearing and then I voted for the ones who esteemed that sacred document and honored the intentions of the great men who framed it.
I had another thought... not too many, but another one I can mention. As I sat there and painfully endured the endless string of political ads that popped up with every time out of ever ball game being played on TV, I began to wonder. Why in the world would anybody WANT to run for public office?
I mean stop and think about it. They go back through your whole life and dig up every thing you ever did... and if they can't find anything really bad... they'll spin it in such a way as to make it look bad. And if they STILL can't find anything, they'll just make something up. Listen, if I want anybody to know that it was me that threw that cherry bomb in the toilet during 5th grade recess at Central Ward Elementary school, I'LL TELL THEM. And no... it was NOT an act of domestic terrorism, it was pretty exciting, though, to hear the boom and watch all the teachers and kids run into the boys restroom and see water dripping from virtually every surface... and then watch the teachers as they began to scan the faces of everyone present to see if they could detect a guilty look... which, by the way, they couldn't.
I'm afraid I'd get somewhat agitated if someone was digging up what they could from my past in an attempt to demonstrate my inability to faithfully carry out the duties of the office I was running for. If I wanted anyone to know that I had any part in putting an old 51 Ford sedan on TOP of the Principal's Office building at Stephenville High School on the last day of school in 1967... I'd tell them. But it's not anybody's business, so I'm not telling anybody!!!
Besides, the word of God says that our past is not what's important. If we ask God to forgive us, the Bible says that He us Faithful and Just to forgive us of ALL our sins. So that pretty much takes care of what's behind.
If we put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, Redeemer, and Friend, the Bible says that our future is forever decided and established in heaven. It says that our security as His child is not our responsibility, but His... and it also says that He is WELL ABLE to take very good care of it.
So with our past forgiven and our future established and secure, then what really becomes important is NOW. What we do and how we respond right this minute to what is going on in our lives is what's really important... it really is all that counts. And yes... it really is THAT simple.
Say... I was wondering... does anybody know if there is a statute of limitations on that cherry bomb in the toilet thing? But then HEY... IT'S JUST A THOUGHT.
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