Aren't you proud of how well the Federal Government has performed it's Constitutional mandate to "look out" for the well being of us poor old ignorant masses known in the circles of the elite as "common folks", especially when it comes to looking out for our health? I mean are you having problems controlling all those warm fuzzy feelings you're having every time you think of our duly elected officials and how seriously they're taking their charge to "represent" the wishes of their constituency? I know I am!
What was termed the "Health Care Debate", will very soon take on the name of "The Health Care Debacle". I mean, it ain't like health care isn't expensive enough NOW... try to imagine what it's going to be like AFTER the ever-so-honest politicians get through messin' with it. I'm trying to figure out how to get used to the feeling of having somebody else's hands in my pockets for the rest of my life.
But the fact of the matter is that we DO live in the greatest age. Our health care, (at least today) is the best in the world and better than it has EVER been in history. We can be thankful that we live in these times. There was a time, not all that long ago, (considering the timeline of history), that health care wasn't quite as sophisticated as it is today. Here are a few good reasons we ought to be thankful we weren't born 200 years ago.
In a book of 19th century home remedies, commonly called "Cures For What Ails You", there are some dandies. Here are a few examples.
Alcoholism: "The prescription is simply an orange every morning, at least 1/2 hour before breakfast. Be faithful in taking that, and you will neither want liquor nor medicine. The orange will make the liquor repulsive". - Dr. Chase's Recipes (1884). - I guess the first guy to drop his orange in his glass of vodka dispelled THAT notion.
To Prevent Influenza: "Instruct children to run with their mouths shut for the first two blocks after going outside in cold weather". -The Board's Guide to Health, Peace, and Competence (1870). - Now it would be nice if parents would just remember to tell their kids that today... think of all the problems we'd solve. Somebody is going to have to tell the pigs, though.
To Recover From Being Struck By Lightning: "Shower the patient with cold water for 2 hours; if the patient does not show signs of life, put salt in the water and continue cold shower for another hour". The Canadian Home Cookbook (1877). - The 3 hour cold shower might bring 'em back to life, but then the pneumonia would kill them.
For A Healthy Pregnancy: "Those who have not been accustomed to bathing should not begin the practice during pregnancy. The mother should avoid looking at or thinking about ugly people or anyone marked with disfiguring diseases". - The Physical Life Of Women (1872). - Who are some of these pregnant women going to look at if they happen to be married to an ugly man... with a limp?
To Prevent Asthma: "Asthmatics find that skipping a meal at night will usually prevent an attack. Hearty meals or certain foods produce the attacks and that constipation will likely cause the trouble; while a clean bowel helps one to avoid it. Nude sun and air-baths should be taken daily or as frequently as possible". Home Health Manual (1930). - You know... if you're a hungry, naked, constipated asthmatic laying out in your back yard, sun-bathing, your health problems may be more severe than you think.
To Treat Asthma: "A pipe of tobacco or a cigar has the ability to relieve a fit of asthma, especially in those not accustomed to it". Cassell's Household Guide (1880). - Um hmm!
To Treat Puncture Wounds and Chapped Lips: "Nothing is better than ear wax to prevent the painful effects resulting from a wound by a nail or skewer. It should be applied as soon as possible. Persons suffering from cracked lips have also found this to be most successful with other remedies have failed". The American Frugal Housewife (1832). - I don't think I can even go there... EAR WAX???!!! Are you kidding me?
Now these are just a few that I found. And after pondering on these for a bit, I've decided that EVEN the Federal Government is going to have a hard time messing up what we have now so badly that our health care begins to resemble some of these. Unless, of course, we're standing in the check out line at our favorite retailer, we look over at the rack of incidentals they always have there, and THERE IT IS... A picture of a smiling Barak Obama on the label of a brand new item... US Government funded, manufactured in Mexico, distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services... "B. O.'s Earwax Lip Balm".
Oh, I don't know... maybe if we'd all just laugh a little more and lighten up; stop being so serious about everything; we wouldn't even NEED as much health care as we do now.
The word of God says in Proverbs 17: 22 - A merry heart does good like a medicine.
And if you're having a hard time and laughter seems to be a rare commodity to you, just try to relax a little and as the old saying goes, let go and let God... Psalm 126 says He will "fill our mouths with laughter and our tongues with singing... because the Lord has done great things for us, and we are glad."
I'm convinced, we as a people are going to be OK. We as a nation have endured far worse than what the liberals are trying to cram down the throats of everyone else today. It'll be OK, I promise. Besides, it ain't over till God says it's over.
Things aren't all that bad... we can be thankful we don't have to go digging in our own ears, or worse yet, somebody else's ears, trying to pry loose some crusty wax because our lips are chapped... and by the way, if it ever comes to that... I'd rather use my own than the government's... you'd have no idea where THAT stuff came from. Hey, It's Just A Thought.
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