Tuesday, March 23, 2010


You ever heard the expression, "It's a dog's life"? Yeah, me too. I've even used it a time or two during the course of conversational exchange.
I got to thinking about that concept the other day and came up with some startling conclusions. I was sitting in my recliner... or is it sitting ON my recliner... I never can get that straight. Anyway, I was sitting in/on my favorite chair the other night, eatin' a cookie, drinkin' some milk, watching one of the March Madness basketball games, wondering what the "poor folks" were doing when this whole notion about a dog's life came up.
You see, I was just REALLY enjoying myself when the dog wanted to go outside. No... she DEMANDED to go outside. Well... all things considered, that's fine... I really don't mind. But then I got to thinking about it.
Here's a 20 lb. dog that can manipulate a 250 lb grown man into getting out of his chair... or is it off?... anyway, getting UP from a very comfortable position, stop what he's really enjoying, and walk out into the cold, the wind, the rain, or whatever weather conditions might be at that very moment, so she can go pottie. I mean stop and think about it... she's getting all the benefits and someone else is doing all the work.
She lives in a nice house that somebody else owns... for free. Her free housing also insures her comfort. She's warm when it's cold outside; cool when it's hot outside; and dry when it's raining. AND somebody else is responsible for making sure she's comfortable.
She isn't overly concerned about picking up after herself, either. She has people who'll do that for her... for free. What's sad about that, is that "her people" willingly do so, because they don't want to step on that dried chew bone in the middle of the night, on their way to the bathroom... which by the way, she seems totally unconcerned about and unwilling to return the favor of "helping out".
She pretty much has the run of the place, sleeping anywhere she chooses... anytime she chooses. She totally relies on someone else to meet her basic personal hygiene needs... for free. Because we, (her owners?), make sure she's bathed, clean, and we take her to the groomer about once a month for a "do"... and it doesn't cost her a dime.
All the "dog experts" say she's very vocal. That's the politically correct way of saying she makes WAY too much noise. She barks at the slightest provocation, which is usually beyond a humans ability to hear. And doesn't seem to know when to stop. Hush, stop it, and eventually shut up are frequent commands, none of which she seems to notice or care about.
She'll do tricks that my bride has taught her for the reward of a doggie treat. If she's expected to perform WITHOUT compensation, she becomes noticeably indignant, and if she even suspects that there may be no treats involved, she becomes temporarily deaf... AND indignant over the fact that her nap might have been interrupted.
She can be peacefully resting in mid-nap and the door bell rings and it's like she's wired up on speed... again prompting a "hush, stop it, and eventually shut up". She a bit socially retarded in that she seems incapable of welcoming a guest into the house that she doesn't own, without jumping all over them, lunging at their face for a quick lick, and going deaf again.
She is a bit overweight, but is insistent upon convincing everyone that she's on the verge of starving to death. Which brings another thing to mind. Not only is her food provided for her... it is prepared and served as well... at absolutely no cost to her. AND, she has no qualms about expressing her disgust if it is not prepared to her tastes, or if it is not up to her rather high standards and expectations. Some brands simply won't do. Oh, she'll eat it, but she lets you know it doesn't really measure up to her discriminating tastes.
She doesn't concern herself with money matters, because money doesn't matter to her. She has no concept of it, understanding of it, or respect for it.
Let's see here... She manipulates others to do the work that she gets the benefit from. She lives in a house she doesn't own and doesn't pay for. She expects others to do whatever is necessary to insure her comfort. She won't do any of the work because she knows others will do it for her. She expects to be rewarded for the slightest output of effort and gets openly indignant if the reward isn't forthcoming. She acts as though she doesn't hear if what she hears doesn't fit with her immediate plan. She eats food that someone else pays for and she expects it to be prepared and served to her satisfaction or else. AND she has no need for the understanding of money, because all her necessities are provided for her... with someone ELSE'S money.
Then it hit me like a bolt of lightning! My dog is a DEMOCRAT!!!
I'll get over it... I'll be OK... It may take me a while, but I'll get past it. But then I guess people get labeled all the time, don't they? If we'd all work as hard at getting past labels we put on people as we do putting the labels ON them, we might all be surprised at what we'd find.
Jesus said in Matt 7: 15 - 17 Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.
Come to think of it, I don't guess labels are all that important as far as dogs are concerned... she's not a bad old dog, though, even if she IS a Democrat... But then Hey, It's Just A Thought.

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