Have you ever thought about what a shame it is... how truly unfortunate it is when someone upsets us, angers us, irritates us, or otherwise annoys us, and THEY DON'T EVEN REALIZE IT! I mean how irresponsible is THAT? I just can't imagine the nerve of some folks who go about their day, grating on other people's nerves and not even realize it.
The other day, I was traveling south on I-35 in my 85,000 lb. incendiary device, (also known as a gasoline tanker truck), minding my own business, when this lady in a large SUV passed me. She was apparently reading something she was holding in one hand, putting her lipstick on with her other hand, AND talking on the cell phone she had nestled between her shoulder and her ear. Now for those of you who found math not to be one of your stronger subjects in school... there aren't any appendages or limbs left to steer the bus she was driving, except for one or both of her knees. That's what we in the truckin' business call "Trick Driving". And in the course of 5 or 6 miles, she managed to cut me off no less than 3 different times. By the third time, I found myself to be JUST a tad irritated at her "technique".
She was obviously unaware that if for some reason I should "mess up", I'm going to make the evening news. Not something I would consider worthwhile fun. I finally slowed considerably to put some safer distance between me and her... so I could finally exhale, unclinch my jaw muscles and relax just a bit... then continue on.
A little bit farther down the road, I began to think about how often people irritate others and don't even know it. I mumbled to myself, complained about the inconvenience, and finally got around to asking God to please protect her and EVERYBODY else out there, but the whole point of the illustration, is that I spent several minutes focusing on what had just happened. A perfectly good, calm, peaceful day was interrupted... not hers... MINE!
A couple of miles farther along, (in the spirit... not audibly... but in the spirit), I heard, "Lighten up a little, son, you do that to people all the time". Then I got to thinking about it. I protested. Not me, Lord... How could I possibly be an irritation to some poor innocent motorist out here? Then I began to think, here I am in a 65 ft. long, 8 1/2 ft. wide, 11 ft. tall, 85,000 lb. LOUD noisy, beast that seems to always be in the way. How could I possibly irritate anybody? (Just kidding... I get it... really.)
So then for the next few miles, I drove along repenting for some of the thoughts I had toward her and her driving... (not the same thoughts God mentions in Jeremiah 29: 11... different thoughts). By the time I got through repenting and praying for her... I was pulling up to where I was to drop my load of fuel.
Wouldn't it be nice if we as Christians could come to the point where we don't pick up every offense that the enemy happens to throw our way... where we don't CHOOSE to be irritated at someone else who has no idea that they've upset us. When we get irritated, their day isn't affected... OURS is. So maybe the next time somebody cuts you off in traffic, jumps ahead of you in the check-out line, ignores you while you stand patiently waiting for some manner of assistance, instead of working up a good mad-on... listen closely in your spirit, and you may hear, "Lighten up a little, child, you do that to people all the time". Then when we get through repenting for our thoughts toward them, we can actually pray for God to bless them.
And when we finally arrive at the place where we are consistent in our repentance and prayers for others, things will get better... for them AND for us. But hey... It's Just A Thought!
Colossians 3: 13 ... bearing with one another and forgiving one another. If anyone has a complaint against another, even as Christ forgave YOU, so you also MUST do.
Pastor Eddy
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