A Saturday off! What a treat! It seems like they come around all too rarely, but today was one of those wonderful days when there aren't a lot of demands on my time. So to celebrate the freedom, Precious and I got up early and struck out on an adventure. Now if you don't think chasing garage sales can be an adventure, then you've obviously never undertaken such a challenge with my bride.
If you don't think driving down a major thoroughfare at 40 mph and have Little Red yell out, "There's a sign!!!... Turn right!!!" can be an adventure, then you're just going to have to break loose one of these Saturdays and go with us.
Listen, I've got to tell you how much fun it really is to watch her get excited as we slow down on our final approach and begin to hunt for the all elusive parking spot. She perks up in the seat as if to catch a preview glimpse before I can get parked and the instant the car goes in Park, she's out the door and on the move. You know the advertising slogan for Mazda Motor Company?... "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom". I'm convinced one of their PR people happened to catch a glimpse of Lois one Saturday morning and that's what popped into his mind.
To be honest, I don't get much out of it other than the fun of watching my little Sweety do her garage sale thang. She can shift modes and turn it up a notch... by that, I mean that her garage sale mode is just a shade more intense than her Wal-Mart gear... and for those of you who are unfamiliar with THAT... it's really something to behold.
At one point, today, having just parked on a shady street and Lois having bailed in search of a treasure, I began to think. I wondered WHY would anyone get so excited about looking for something that someone else has already used... gotten all the goody out of it... and now is ready to cast it off.
And at that moment, the Lord quickened something in my spirit. There is STILL value in it. In fact, much like the items neatly stacked and displayed in someones garage, people are often viewed... mistakenly I might add... in the same manner. Due to the influences of our culture and our society, we have a distorted opinion about the value of a person who's been "used". And I believe God has an altogether different value system than we do.
Folks, when it comes right down to it, when the storm's brewing on the horizon... when the smell of adversity is in the air... when trouble is eminent... I'm praying, Lord, please don't send me some person who's lived their whole life on Easy Street. I don't need someone who's life is in pristine, unblemished condition. I don't need some person who's only knowledge of hardship and struggle comes from some book they've read. I don't need a "new" hand... I need someone who's battle tested, case hardened, and gotten several pretty noticeable scars along the way.
When push comes to shove, showroom models really aren't much help. Give me a garage sale model who's been there, done that, and not only SURVIVED, but came out of it beaten, a little bloody, exhausted, and VICTORIOUS!!!
I've got to give Lois a little more credit than I have in the past. I need to focus on the value, not on the newness or the appearance and condition. I'm pretty sure... and now that I think about it... boy, am I glad God sees us that way... I mean, I don't think God is impressed with how shiny and new we look, but instead, He sees our VALUE.
So... the next time you're feeling a little "used", and you think that the chips in your paint, the dents in your fenders, and knocks and pings in your motor somehow make you worth less than you'd hoped for... just remember, God doesn't use "The Blue Book" to determine your value. He KNOWS what it is. And we can ALL thank God for that!!! Hey, It's Just A Thought.
Pastor Eddy
1 comment:
I like the way you think.
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