What a great week!!! I hope you all really enjoyed your own unique celebration of "Earth Day" this week. You should enter your comments and tell me how you and your family enjoyed such a magnificent celebration. I'll tell you about mine in a minute.
Earth Day... Earth Day... Say it out loud... just let the words roll effortlessly off your tongue; Earth Day. Think about how it sounds as you say it. Now then... let's be frank, shall we? Is that not ridiculous? Good heavens!!!
Earth day... who came up with this idiotic idea in the first place?! I don't care who was President. I don't care which congress decided to make it official. I just want to know who the dude was that originally came up with the idea. Talk about somebody with WAAAAY too much time on their hands. Think about it. Some guy is sitting, no doubt, talking to a very interested group of liberals looking for ANOTHER cause to support, and all of a sudden this poor guy says; "Hey, I know... let's have a holiday and call it Earth Day!" Imagine if you can, the excitement that must have permeated the room. "WOW!!! What a GREAT idea... Earth Day."
I have a couple of serious questions I'd love to ask someone who might have an answer. There's bound to be someone, somewhere who could give me an answer. What I'd really like to know is, WHY we're going to have a "Earth Day celebration", when it has become politically incorrect to celebrate the birth of THE ONE who CREATED the earth in the first place. Some of y'all may remember that holiday... it's called CHRISTMAS!!!
Why is it that we can no longer have prayer in our public schools, we can no longer pray at athletic contests conducted in a public setting, or a kid carry and read a Bible in public schools without fear of being expelled? Why is it that we can't call it Easter any more? Why has it become more politically correct to call Easter, our "Spring Holiday?" I mean, excuse me, but seems to me that I read somewhere that Jesus is the one "in whom, by whom, and for whom all things were created"... but yet we cannot give glory and honor to the Creator, we have to pay homage to the creation. Now I'm not the brightest bulb in the pack, but THAT'S a little backward isn't it?!
Somebody, somewhere decided that because of their edict, we, (we being Christians) are going to be forced bow before the altar of the environmentalists. I'm sick of it and I've just about decided I'm not the least bit interested in doing it, either.
I may be sounding a little like Andy Rooney here, griping about stuff that rubs me the wrong way, but I just can't help myself. And while I'm at it, this notion of being politically correct about everything has gotten completely out of hand. It's ridiculous. And what's worse, it's totally unnecessary. Lord help us if we offend someone. The fact of the matter is that I'm pretty offended by all the lunatic fringe who seem to be charge. How'd that happen anyway? How'd THEY get to be in charge? So who's going to take up my banner? Who's going to support the cause of people, like me, who are absolutely disgusted by all this nonsense?
I didn't mean to get off track there... kind of went off on a bit of a tangent, didn't I? Sorry... Back to my original thought about "Earth Day" celebrations, and just how special they are to us all.
I celebrated "Earth Day". I really did. I got up, made me a whole pot of coffee... (I don't usually drink a whole pot... I just thought I would purposely waste about 1/3 of the pot). I turned on all the lights in the house and then I walked out my back door and intentionally left the door open, with my central air conditioning unit still running and my thermostat set to 65 degrees. After several minutes, I came back inside and got dressed. Then I decided I'd do my fair share to promote the environment. I went out and started my pickup... not really intending to go anywhere at the moment, I just wanted to let my 5.6 litre V-8 idle and emit plenty of carbon monoxide gas. As I let my pickup idle, I mowed my yard... real short... with my lawn mower powered by an internal combustion, gasoline powered engine. I was doing OK, but I could do better... I went ahead and started my little bride's car, too and let it idle... then I trimmed the walks and drive with my weed eater which is also powered by a two stroke gasoline engine. Afterward, I broke out my leaf blower and blew every clipping available right out into the street which runs in front of my house.
After putting my yard maintenance equipment back into the garage, after surveying my handiwork, I went ahead and shut off my pickup and car and then went in to take a shower and clean up. I took a LOOOOOONG hot shower, wasting as much hot water as possible and then dropped my dirty clothes into the washer. I went ahead and washed my yard mowing clothes with the water level for the washer set at "Full Load". I dried 'em extra long, too.
Doing everything I can today, to grow the size of my carbon footprint. Which reminds me; who came up with THAT deal? What is a carbon footprint? Better than that, what's a carbon look like? Have YOU ever seen one?... Me either... I didn't know carbons had feet. How many feet do carbons have; 2, 4, 8... how many? And what does it hurt if my carbons DO leave footprints anyway?
OH... I forgot... we don't want our carbons leaving their footprints on the earth, ESPECIALLY on Earth Day!!!
The word of God says in Jeremiah 51: 15 - 17a: THE LORD MADE THE EARTH by HIS power and HE PRESERVES it by His wisdom. With His own understanding He stretched out the heavens. When He speaks in the thunder, the heavens are filled with water. He causes the clouds to rise over the earth. He sends the lightning with the rain and releases the wind from His storehouses. The whole human race is foolish AND HAS NO KNOWLEDGE...
Kind of makes you wish the brain-child that came up with "Earth Day" would have read this FIRST, doesn't it? Yeah, buddy!!!
Oh well, now that it's plenty cool in here and the A/C's doing a good job, I think I'll open the window and see if I can catch the smell of the freshly mowed grass... but then, Hey, It's Just A Thought.
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