Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Chicken Little Is Alive And Well

You know... I've tried hard not to get too excited about the constant bombardment of insanity that comes directly at us from every conceivable angle. I've tried hard to just shrug most of the junk off as silliness perpetrated by people who don't have anything better to do than try to insult my intelligence.
All this nonsense about global warming has really taken a toll on my patience. I mean, come on... we've got a bunch of tree huggers running around like Chicken Little, screaming, "The sky is falling... the sky is falling!", and the science simply doesn't support their claims. The biggest eye opener OUGHT to be their front man, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Al Gore. You remember him... he's the moron who looked us right in the eye and claimed to have "invented the Internet". Now there's a winner for you... who better to sound the alarm than THAT guy!
And that reminds me... who are these guys who decide who's going to win the Nobel Prize, anyway. I thought they'd reached the unreachable summit when they gave it to Al Gore, but then they gave it to Mr. Obama... NOT for anything he's done... because he hasn't done anything... but they gave it to him for what he WANTS to do!!!
Anyway, back to the global warming thing... I don't get it... temperatures are colder than usual and well below recorded averages all over the planet. The polar ice caps aren't melting... their GROWING. And these geniuses who claim we're all going to be vaporized in a gigantic ball of fire because somebody decided they like driving a Suburban, will look you right in the eye and tell you, "Of course it's getting colder... that's what happens when you have global warming". WHAT???!!!
Even through all this maze of idiocy and environmental goofiness, I have managed to keep my mouth shut, and my overall opinions to myself. I've been able to withstand the onslaught and even retained my ability to laugh and have fun... But a feller can just take so many attacks on his intelligence... I mean, there IS a limit to the lunacy.
The other night, not exactly sure when, but the other night I was peacefully sitting in my slightly lop-sided recliner watching a good football game when during a time out, Madison Avenue struck again. This time it was full frontal, all out assault on the intelligence of every person who happened to see it. To be honest with you, I can't remember WHAT they were trying to sell, or what foolish notion they were trying to get us to buy into... they lost me half way through the commercial.
I'm sitting there and this little "smart looking" guy... you know the one... the guy with the white plastic pocket protector in his shirt pocket, wearing his round, turtle shell framed glasses, looks right into the camera and says... now I'm not kidding... this is exactly what he said... He looks right in the camera and says, "It takes 35 gallons of water to make 1 cup of coffee".
WHAT??? 35 gallons of water to make 1 cup of coffee? Wow... that would mean that it takes 420 gallons of water to make 1 pot full.
Now I almost lost it. I mean come on... THAT is almost the dumbest statement I've ever heard. Al Gore claiming to have invented the Internet still sits atop the list as far as I'm concerned... But PLEASE... give me a break! If it takes 35 gallons of water to make 1 cup of coffee, then 3 things must have happened... and only 1 of the 3 is a viable explanation.
Either whoever is making the coffee forgot to turn the water off when the pot was full and let the water run for a VERY long time. Or... that's a mighty big cup! Can't ever remember seeing a 35 gallon coffee cup before... doesn't mean there isn't one, but I've never seen it. OR... someone, somewhere decided that the people who would see this ad are so stupid that they'll believe anything. It doesn't have to be factual... the global warming alarmists have already proven that... but really... how stupid do these people think we are?... 35 gallons of water to make 1 cup of coffee... Now that I think about it... Al Gore may have just been bumped down to 2nd place on the all time list of dumbest statements ever made.
Using the environmentalists own formulas, that would mean that I would waste approximately 900 gallons of water to flush my toilet... and just over 1,789 gallons of water to take a shower. It would take about 2,840 gallons of water to wash my pickup. And should I decided to water my yard, I'd better alert the Brazos River Authority because I'm about to waste the equivalent of all the water in Lake Waco.
Come to think of it, I might be convinced to change the way I do things, but not by someone trying to scare me into it. 2 Timothy 1: 7 says: " For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind". Seems to me that if we could pry some of these people's arms loose from the trees they're hugging and get them to embrace the Word of God with the same zeal they have for their distorted views and silly non-sense, a guy could watch a good ball game undisturbed.
Which reminds me... I think I'll go outside, unroll the water hose and rinse off all my windows. No telling how much water that would take... but then, Hey... It's Just A Thought.
No matter what the people in Washington tell you... remember... God's in charge, they aren't.
Have a blessed day in Jesus.
Pastor Eddy

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