Well today is certainly a day we'll all look back on someday and remember where we were when we heard the news. I'm old enough to remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when we heard the news that JFK was assassinated in Dallas. There are just some of those days that we mark in our minds and will be able to forever recall personal specifics that surround some landmark historical event. And today is certainly one of those days.
Can you remember when Mr. Armstrong stepped off the lunar module and onto the surface of the moon? Or can you remember what you were doing when you heard the news the the space shuttle Challenger had exploded? There are just days that get permanently filed in our heads for future reference. I know EXACTLY where I was shortly after 8:00 am on September 11, 2001.
I remember watching Roger Maris hit his 61st home run, breaking Babe Ruth's season home run record. I remember when Texas won it's first college football national championship... when the Dodgers left Brooklyn and moved to Los Angeles... watching John Elway win his first Super Bowl... when the Cowboys won their first one... I remember the first time I got to go to a college football game, because I'd never seen 65,000 people all in one place at the same time. That was roughly 7 times the population of the town I grew up in!!! Pretty impressive! Just days when we indelibly stamp the event in our memories. Today is one of those days.
There are a lot of other days like that for me... like the first day I saw Lois... some 28 years ago... and how I felt when I saw her. Children being born... Grandchildren being born... Graduation Ceremonies... and even the passing of someone we love. We remember those days.
So many life experiences that all come together and in some magnificent mysterious manner, mold and shape who we are. Not necessarily who others perceive us to be, but who we are... way down deep inside.
Now that I've got your curiosity aroused about today... let me explain. First of all, this day won't REALLY be one of THOSE days for me... it just struck me. I'm not sure if you can imagine my excitement this morning as I turned on the radio and heard "The News". A Federal Judge in California has ruled that gay marriages are not only legal... but of equal standing with traditional marriage. Now the people didn't vote on it. As a matter of fact, the people overwhelmingly rejected the notion over 2 years ago in a statewide referendum. No sir... a Federal Judge made that determination all on his own. Legislating from a Federal bench is WRONG.... period. And you can't imagine how happy I was to hear that two 80+ year old lesbians were going to be the very first ones to get married on the court house steps in San Francisco, with the Mayor presiding. Pretty touching stuff, ain't it?
For crying out loud, people... can we PLEASE get a break here? I checked with several of the truck drivers in our company today, and not a single one of them cared... or were interested in hearing about it!!! Me neither! No... I'm not a homo-phobe... that's a new politically correct term that refers to people who think those poor deceived people ought to go BACK INTO the closet... and keep their sexual preferences there... and to themselves, I'm just sick of hearing about it. If that's how they want to live their lives, then the mission field for the church is white with harvest. Thanks to our culture, we've successfully moved from viewing homosexuality as an "alternative lifestyle", to an "acceptable lifestyle"... and the two are NOT the same. I'm just tired of having it thrown in my face all the time. (Sorry about that... sounded a bit like a rant, didn't it?)
My God says that kind of lifestyle is a perverse lifestyle. Interesting... Webster defines perverse: 1. Turned away from what is right, or good: 2. Corrupt: 3. Incorrect, improper: 4. Obstinate in opposing what is right, reasonable, and accepted: 5. Wrong-headed.
If there may have been any shred of doubt on your part that we are indeed living our lives in the last days, and you'll check Romans 1: 18 - 32, you can get a better idea of how Almighty God feels about such nonsense as this. This type of behavior may be acceptable to our culture and our society, but it is a stench in the nostrils of a Holy God.
My prayer... and I hope you'll join me in it, is that "The Church" will finally speak up... rise up... and stand up for what's right, politically, because "that's" not a judge's job... and morally, because we've (the church) been nice and quiet for far too long about these types of things. Our allegiance ought to be to God, not some appointed Federal Judge in California. Joshua said it... "Choose this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord". But then hey... It's Just A Thought.
Pastor Eddy
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